Renee TarantowskiDec 17, 2017

Third Sunday in Advent

Pray without ceasing.  

In everything, give thanks.

In 2009 I started a blog by the same name . . . in everything give thanks.  I thought my life was in the shitter then but I had no idea the free fall I would find myself in.  You know the Wylie Coyote cartoon when he falls off the cliff and lands in a puff of dust . . . that was me.  For years, disappointment after disappointment.  In all that was happening, I gave thanks.  Gratitude was the antidote.  

Joy, it is our focus for this third week of advent. How will you let joy into your life?

Renee TarantowskiNov 27, 2017

On being me

I'm in a good place.  I know that joy and sorrow go hand in hand.

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